• ( 0 Reviews ) 2,4 km from Gedung Sate

Asperiores eos molestias, aspernatur assumenda vel corporis ex, magni excepturi totam exercitationem quia inventore quod amet labore impedit quae distinctio? Officiis blanditiis consequatur alias, atque, sed est incidunt accusamus repudiandae tempora repellendus obcaecati delectus ducimus inventore tempore harum numquam autem eligendi culpa.

Kebun Binatang Bandung is one of the natural attractions showcasing flora and fauna in the city of Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. It is situated adjacent to the campus of the Bandung Institute of Technology and the Cikapundung River.

The Bandung Zoo was initially known by the name Derenten (in Sundanese, dierentuin), which means a zoo. It was established in 1930 by the Bandung Zoological Park (BZP), led by Bank Director Dennis Hoogland. The establishment of the zoo was authorized by the Governor-General of the Dutch East Indies and formalized in decision No.32 on April 12, 1933. During the Japanese occupation, the tourist site was poorly managed. In 1948, rehabilitation efforts were undertaken to restore its functions.

In 1956, initiated by Raden Ema Bratakusumah, the Bandung Zoological Park was disbanded and transformed into the Tamansari Wildlife Foundation in 1957. The zoo covers an area of 13.5 hectares with undulating topography, allocating 18.25% for animal enclosures, 55.20% for gardens and leisure areas, 4.7% for amusement parks and boat ponds, and 2.4% for waste processing. The remaining space is utilized for office buildings, an aquarium museum, and roads.

The animal collection at Bandung Zoo comprises approximately 213 species, consisting of 79 protected species and 134 unprotected species from both domestic and foreign origins. Efforts are continuously made to add to this animal collection, including those with conservation value and aesthetic appeal to visitors, especially those originating from Indonesia. In addition to serving as protection against the sun and wind for the animals, the plants growing in the zoo area also play a role in shielding the soil from rainwater and serve as a green lung for the city of Bandung.


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