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Various Traditional Indonesian snack seller such as ;

  • Rengginang, is also a traditional Javanese cracker that consumed or served in the same manner as Rempeyek. However, Rengginang is made from glutinous sticky-rice (or “Beras Ketan”) , seasoned with spices, made into flat and round shape, and then sun-dried. 
  • Kecimpring, is a traditional culinary specialty of Bandung, West Java. Its main ingredients are cassava or tapioca, finely mashed together with complementary spices, shaped into thin circular shape, and then dried in the sun. Once dried, kecimpring then fried to become crackers.
  • Opak, is a snack made from rice flour or cassava that has been mixed with water, seasoned, and pounded until it forms a soft dough. Then, a portion of this dough is taken and shaped into thin sheets, which are then dried. Once dried, the sheets are baked over charcoal until they become crispy

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