Various Traditional Indonesian snack seller and Indonesian catering food services. Selling Rengginang, Kacang Telur, Kue Seroja, and Banana Chips.
Rengginang, a traditional Javanese cracker that consumed or served in the same manner as Rempeyek. However, Rengginang is made from glutinous sticky-rice (or “Beras Ketan”) , seasoned with spices, made into flat and round shape, and then sun-dried.
Kacang Telor, is peanut that have been basked in flour mixed with egg, and then fried.
Kue Seroja, is an iconic Sundanese cracker, made from the mixture of wheat, tapioca, and rice flour. Kue Seroja is usually served in wedding ceremony but also commonly consumed daily. The most stand out thing from Kue Seroja is its shape, since Kue Seroja taking the shape of Seroja Flower, hence the name.